
The Ink Witch Tarot Deck: Second Edition

Created by Eric

A hand drawn tarot deck in rich gray and sepia tones, inspired by witches, fantasy, mythology, and the subtle magic of the modern world

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Shipping Update #4 (The Big Important One)
about 2 months ago – Mon, Mar 18, 2024 at 12:48:22 PM

Hey backers! Thank you all so much for being patient with me as I’ve worked towards getting all of the rewards from this campaign shipped out! 

The big and excited news is that nearly everything has finally been shipped!

There are a few notable exceptions!

If you placed an order on BackerKit after the Kickstarter campaign ended, your order may not be shipped yet! I’m hoping to wrap these orders up soon as well, so keep an eye out for a shipping notification from BackerKit coming to your inbox soon!

If you haven’t filled out your survey, then your rewards haven’t been shipped yet! Please note that completing your BackerKit survey is the only way for you to provide shipping information and payment. As Kickstarter is a fund-raising platform, refunds are not typically available so please be sure to complete your survey if you want the rewards that you’re entitled to for supporting this project. Feel free to reach out to me if you can’t find your survey and would like me to send it to you directly!

There are just a few of us who have completed their survey, but had issues with the mailing address that we submitted! If this applies to you, I have already reached out to you to request that you look over your address again. Please check your inbox here on Kickstarter if you think this might apply your rewards!

For everyone else- you should be receiving your tracking information from BackerKit by this Wednesday, March 20th!

 There is a little bit of delay between the parcels being shipped, and BackerKit updating to recognize that they’re in the mail. This means that if you haven’t received tracking yet, there’s no need to worry- just let me know if you still haven’t received a shipping notification from BackerKit by Wednesday and I’ll be happy to get it sorted out!

Speaking of Wednesday March 20th, I am so excited to tell you what you I’m working on next!

I’ve been collaborating on a project for a over a year now with two other incredible indie deck creators: Thomas from Hermit’s Mirror, and Michael Anthony from the Diviner Life! 

Our deck, the Apothecary Spirits Oracle launches on Kickstarter via Thomas’s profile on March 20th!

Apothecary Spirits is a 60-card oracle deck that also function as an educational introduction to herbalism! The cards can be used for divination like any other oracle, while the guidebook also provides some basic and essential information on the medicinal properties of each plant or fungus in the deck! The entire deck is illustrated by hand (by me) and reflects some LGBTQ symbolism that’s important to me and my fellow collaborators!

I hope you’ll check it out!

Shipping Update #3
2 months ago – Mon, Mar 04, 2024 at 10:09:43 AM

Hello Backers! I hope your March month is off to a wonderful start!

This is just a small shipping update, primarily to let everyone know that I’m still here and still making progress on getting rewards out as quickly as I can! So far, we’re about 3/4 of the way done with shipping!

So what does this mean as far as wrapping up?

Well if your shipment is meant to include five or more items, I’m hoping to have your rewards in the mail by Friday!

If your shipment includes fewer than five rewards, I’m expecting it to be in the mail by the 22nd of this month!

Of course, this only applies if you’ve already filled out your BackerKit survey! I’m still missing a few- so please be sure to fill those out soon if you want your rewards. Don’t forget that submitting your survey is the only way to provide shipping information and payment, and the only way to receive rewards that you’ve earned for supporting this project.

For friends who pre-ordered the deck in the BackerKit store after the Kickstarter campaign ended, please note that your order may take a little while longer. I’m focused on sending out rewards to the Kickstarter backers first, but I promise to get to your order right away once I’m caught up!

Finally, keep an eye out for e-mails form BackerKit! 

You should get an automated notification from BackerKit once your shipment is in the mail, which will include tracking information. If you suspect your order may already have been shipped out and you haven’t received an e-mail, be sure to check your spam folder. If you can’t find it there, feel free to reach out to me with a message here on Kickstarter, and I will check to make sure your order has shipped and can send you your tracking information myself!

Shipping Update #2
3 months ago – Fri, Feb 16, 2024 at 02:31:03 PM

Hi Backers!

 Now that the month is about half way over, I wanted to give a quick update on shipping:

I’ve been packing and shipping rewards by giving priority to the largest shipments first!

My hope is that this will clear some room in my very crowded studio most efficiently. That being said, if your expected shipment is meant to contain eight or more individual items- it should be in the mail by now!

You should have received a shipping notification from Backerkit that includes tracking information for you. If you haven’t, I’ve probably tried to contact you about an issue with your mailing address. Be sure that you’ve completed your BackerKit survey, and check your inbox and spam folder for any important updates about your rewards.

If your rewards shipment contains seven or fewer individual items, I’ll be continuing my way down the list, and getting to your rewards very soon!

Be sure to fill your survey out if you haven’t already!

This is the only way to provide shipping payment and information- which means it’s the only way to receive the rewards you’ve earned for supporting this project! Check your junk mail for an e-mail from BackerKit if you haven’t seen your survey yet, and reach out to me if you don’t see it there!

Keep an eye on your inbox for a shipping notification from BackerKit!

You’ll receive this once your rewards have shipped, and it will contain any tracking information regarding your rewards. Again- if your shipment is expected to contain eight or more items, it should already be on it’s way to you!

Shipping Update #1
4 months ago – Mon, Jan 29, 2024 at 12:23:59 PM

Hi Backers! I’ve been getting the first of the shipment out into the world this past week, and while I’ve been hard at work with that, I’ve only really scratched the surface! 

There are a lot of rewards to ship out! This campaign also had a lot of add-ons available which means there is quite a bit of variation with each package being sent out!

All of this is just to say: progress is unfortunately going to advance somewhat slowly. I appreciate everyone’s patience!

 That being said, there are plenty of rewards that have already begun to ship out!

 I’m starting with the largest shipment first to clear up some room in the studio as I begin working my way down the list.

This means that if you were a “Wholesale Tier” backer, your rewards have already shipped or I’m still waiting on you to finish filling out your survey!

Please be sure to fill out your survey!

This is how you claim the rewards that you’re entitled to for having backed this project, and while I appreciate you backing this project regardless, I really want to send you your cards too!If you have any concerns about your survey, send me a message so that I can help get things sorted out!

In the meantime, keep an eye on your inbox for a shipping confirmation from BackerKit which will include your tracking information!

With so many rewards going out, you may already have received this e-mail, may get it this coming week, or might not see it until later in February. I’ll continue sharing updates here on Kickstarter as shipping progresses so that everyone can stay in the loop and receive any necessary information.

For now, these are the really important things:

If you haven’t filled out your survey, try to get that taken care of ASAP in order to guarantee you receive your rewards!

Wholesale Backers should have already received shipping confirmations. If you are a Wholesale Backer and you haven’t received a shipping confirmation: first check your spam folder and see if it is hiding there. If not, send me a message so we can make sure everything is in order with your rewards!

Everyone else should keep an eye on their inbox this month as BackerKit begins sending out shipping confirmations!

Tiny Update Towards Shipping
4 months ago – Mon, Jan 22, 2024 at 10:16:24 AM

Just in case you’ve been wondering where we’re at as far as shipping rewards goes, I wanted to take a little moment to touch base with everyone!

At the moment, I’m hammering out some details with BackerKit to make sure I can get notifications sent to Backers as their rewards ship- this way, anyone who wants tracking information can get it automatically. With my last campaign (which was also my first campaign ever) I had some issues with some people not getting their tracking information so I’m doing my best to avoid that hiccup from re-occurring.

That being said, I’m hoping to begin shipping things out later this week!

I expect to be be shipping rewards out in small manageable batches over the next several weeks. While I expect to have everything sent out by the end of February, there are a lot of things that need to be shipped, and only one of me. I also work out of a somewhat small apartment, meaning space is a little bit limited.

 Because my available work space is a little tight right now, I plan to start with the largest rewards first to begin clearing up some of that space. 

This means that Wholesale Tier backers will be the first to receive their rewards. 

If you’re a wholesale backer, keep an eye out for a shipping notification from BackerKit, and please let me know if you don’t receive yours by Monday so that I can troubleshoot!

As other order begin shipping out, I’ll continue to keep everyone update here! Please understand that it will take quite some time to get everything mailed out, but that I’ll do my best to work quickly!

And as always, a reminder: If you haven’t filled out your survey yet please do so soon! 

Filling out your survey is the only way you can get the rewards that you’ve earned for helping to make this deck possible! If you haven’t received your survey, please feel free to contact me so that I can ensure it reaches you!